Plastic Surgery for Men

Plastic Surgery for Men

It’s more common than you think

  1. Do you look older than you feel?
  2. Are you trying to stay competitive in your profession with younger colleagues?
  3. Do you have concerns that have bothered you your whole life?

Whatever it is, Plastic Surgery for Men may be the solution for you. For many years Plastic Surgery was considered primarily for women but more and more men are giving themselves permission to look their best too. Men have Plastic Surgery for a variety of reasons; many are similar to why women have plastic surgery. Perhaps the most common reason for men to have plastic surgery is to simply look as good as they feel.  Some of the many procedures offered to men are:

Men’s Plastic Surgery Procedures

During your consultation, Dr. Partington will listen carefully to your questions and concerns.  He will then discuss with you what you want to address. All of your options will be discussed in detail as well as risks and recovery.  We have many male patients who have improved their self-esteem through a positive experience with Plastic/Cosmetic Surgery.   Patients have expressed that these changes include things like:

  • Feeling more respected by colleagues/peers
  • Improved love life and libido
  • Renewed motivation to participate in sports and fitness activities
  • Increased interest in a better diet and health habits
  • An improved sense of overall well-being

Plastic Surgery for men is growing tremendously as society has become more accepting of it and the expectations for men to look good and stay looking good is beginning to equal that of the expectations for women. If you are a man considering plastic surgery, please come in for a private consultation.  You’re not alone. It’s more common than you think.

Costs and Financing

We understand that financing is a concern for many people and an important part of the decision making process. We offer several options for financing and we will work with you to come up with a surgical plan and financing that suits your needs. Our office recommends the following company: CareCredit If you think you might benefit from plastic surgery, please contact us to schedule your consultation.


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