
HomeDRx is an at-home customized wellness treatment that targets hormonal imbalances in men and women. More often than not, hormonal imbalances are responsible for many of the health problems we experience, and for most people, there is no way of knowing if your hormones are the culprit unless you have a test done. HomeDRx offers an approach to treating hormonal imbalances from your house, making improving your wellness as convenient as possible. No blood draws and no injections. We test your hormones with an at-home saliva collection test and then optimize your hormones with bio-identical hormone replacement creams.

What is HomeDRx?

HomeDRx is an at-home hormone test and replacement kit that is offered exclusively through Partington Plastic Surgery. This approach to treating hormone imbalances revolutionizes the idea of convenient medicine due in part to the fact that you barely have to leave your house from beginning to end of treatment. Your HomeDRx package includes the following:

  • Saliva test kit and prepaid return envelope.
  • Telemedicine consultation and analysis with Dr. Partington
  • 1 year’s supply of bio-identical hormone replacement therapy that is unique to you.
  • 3-month re-test kit. Creams will be adjusted if needed.
  • Ongoing support and communication with the team at HomeDRx.

How Does HomeDRx Work?

Using the HomeDRx Hormone Optimization Program is not unlike doing an at-home saliva collection for an ancestry test. The provided collection materials and envelope will be used to collect your saliva. When you are finished, you will mail it to the HomeDRx labs in the provided prepaid envelope. Once your results are in, we will analyze your hormone levels and recommend a prescribed individualized bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (IBHRT) for restoring them.

Once you have picked up your hormone therapy creams, you will begin to use them as prescribed, until after 3 months, when you will be sent a re-test kit. This is to monitor your progress and see what is working or what might need to change in terms of your hormone therapy.  Throughout this entire process, you will have the support of Dr. Partington and the HomeDRx team.

HomeDRx Results

After restoring your body’s hormones back to their optimal levels, you may experience the following:

  • Renewed Energy
  • Improved Mood
  • Improved Strength
  • Weight Loss
  • Better Sleep, Focus, and Clarity
  • Restored Libido and Closer Relationships.

Schedule A Consultation

Brain fog, mood changes, weight gain, fatigue, and low libido are only some of the symptoms associated with hormonal imbalances. If you are experiencing any of these, you are not alone, and the team at Partington Plastic Surgery is here to help. Fill out our online contact form to see if HomeDRx might be the answer to these frustrating symptoms.


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