Anesthesia Provided
Dr. Partington provides his surgical patients with moderate IV sedation in our facility. When indicated, Dr. Partington pairs this with epidural anesthesia. By using this type of anesthesia, we are able to achieve maximum comfort throughout the duration of patient’s procedure and are able to safely avoid general anesthesia. Patients will doze off to sleep and remain comfortable without the placement of a tube in the throat to assist with breathing. The safety in not having to use the tube is one of the many reasons moderate IV sedation is preferred over general anesthesia. Upon waking up from sedation, we have found that our patient’s are less likely to become nauseous; they feel less groggy and less disoriented.
When receiving moderate sedation, you will feel drowsy and may even sleep through much of the procedure, but will be easily awakened when spoken to or touched. You may or may not remember being in the procedure room.
What is Moderate Sedation?
Moderate sedation is the technique of providing medication to relieve anxiety and discomfort during medical procedures. In contrast to general anesthesia where patients are completely unconscious, patients receiving moderate sedation are semiconscious but comfortable.
For this reason, moderate sedation has also been called “twilight sleep” or “conscious sedation” in the past. Moderate sedation is administered through an intravenous catheter (“IV”) to provide relaxation and to minimize discomfort. You will feel drowsy and may even sleep through portions of the procedure, but at all times you will be easily awakened when spoken to or touched. You may or may not remember all or portions of your procedure.
Although you will not be completely asleep, you will be medically monitored before, during and after our procedure. The nurse or CRNA will closely monitor your heart rate, heart rhythm, blood pressure and the oxygen levels in your blood. You will wear a nasal cannula through which oxygen may be administered if needed, because your breathing may become slower or more shallow than normal under moderate sedation.
After the procedure you will be observed in recovery for a short time, usually 30 minutes, while the sedation wears off. There are generally no significant after-effects of moderate sedation. However, your judgment, reaction time and short term memory may be impaired for the next 24 hours. For this reason, you will not be permitted to drive yourself home, and you must bring a responsible adult to accompany you home. It is also recommended that you not operate dangerous machinery or equipment, make any important decisions or sign any legal documents for the next 24 hours. Because of the requirement to have an adult escort come with you to ensure safe transportation home, if you arrive for your procedure without an escort, you will not have surgery.
If you have any questions regarding our use of anesthesia as it relates to your surgery, please contact us.