The Importance of Sun Protection

By DLM Admin on March 30, 2017 in Skincare

While your parents or grandparents may have believed that exposure to the sun only came with healthy benefits, newer studies have shown that the sun can have unhealthy effects as well. Early signs of skin aging, as well as skin cancer, are very real dangers that individuals must be aware of today.

How to Sun Causes Damage

The sun produces rays of ultraviolet (UV) light that reach the skin when we spend time in the sun. These sun rays damage skin cells, often resulting in visible signs of sun damage such as freckles, moles, wrinkles, and even skin cancer. UV rays can also cause sunburn, which often appears shortly after sun exposure. After many years of consistent sun damage, the skin will begin to show signs of early aging.

What many people may not realize is that the sun’s UV rays can also reach our skin on cloudy days. While the sun may not cause sunburn, exposure can still cause tanning and wrinkling.

Tips to Protect Your Skin

So, how can you prevent the sun’s rays from causing long-term damage to your skin? The most obvious way to protect your skin is to always wear sunscreen. It is advised that individuals wear a broad-spectrum sunscreen that is at least SPF 30 for the best protection.
Even individuals who do not burn very often should wear sunscreen to protect their skin from sun damage. Although you may not burn, your skin can still undergo damage that can last a lifetime.

Other tips to protect your skin include:
• Avoid spending time in the sun from about 10am-3pm when the suns UV rays are strongest.
• Wear clothing that will protect you from the sun. Long sleeves or wide-brimmed hats can help to shield your skin from UV rays.
• Remember to protect your eyes too! Wearing sunglasses that filter UV light can help to protect your vision.

At Partington Plastic Surgery, we offer an array of skin treatments and procedures to help treat signs of aging and sun damage such as BBL Laser Services and Microneedling. We are also proud to carry the Environ line of skin care products which contain advanced ingredients that work together to assist in providing protection, morning, noon and night.

For a more youthful complexion, please contact our Kirkland office today to schedule a consultation with our Master Aesthetician who is overseen by our two Board Certified Plastic Surgeons.

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