Fat Transfer – The Natural Breast Augmentation Solution

By DLM Admin on July 25, 2018 in Breast Augmentation, Fat Transfer, Liposuction

Do you want to enhance the appearance of your breasts but don’t want to undergo a more invasive surgery with implants? You might consider a fat transfer, a natural solution to enhancing your breasts! There are many benefits to choosing the fat transfer technique, but it’s not right for everyone. Keep reading to find out if the fat transfer breast augmentation appeals to you.

Achieve a subtle change to your breasts

Before opting for a fat transfer breast augmentation, you’ll want to ensure that it’s the right treatment for your concerns and goals. The fat transfer is a great option for those who want a subtle increase to their breasts or want to improve symmetry and contour. A fat transfer can’t dramatically change the size of your breasts, so if you’re looking to go up several sizes, implants are probably the better option for you. You might also opt for a subtle enhancement if you already have implants but want to touch up the contour of your breasts after further signs of aging.

Get rid of stubborn fat

A fat transfer breast augmentation requires the use of stubborn fat from another area of your body such as the abdomen, flanks, or thighs. If you do not have enough excess fat in these areas, a fat transfer might not be possible for you. Liposuction is used to extract the fat cells that will be used for placement, so you can expect to receive the slimming benefits that comes with it! This requires tiny incisions where a cannula can be inserted and moved in a back and forth motion, breaking up and removing the fat cells. You can expect to have a more toned and well-contouring appearance in the treated areas.

Experience less invasion, discomfort, and downtime

A breast augmentation requires a larger incision for the placement of the implant. But with a fat transfer, only tiny incisions are required to place the fat cells. That means you can expect less discomfort during the recovery process and can return to your normal routine sooner. There is still some downtime to be aware of, but because your own natural fat cells were used, there is no risk of your body rejecting treatment. Once recovered, you can enjoy your enhanced breasts and slimmer contour!

To learn more about your breast augmentation options and if the fat transfer technique is right for you, contact Partington Plastic Surgery today.

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