Breast Implants

Enhance Your Figure

If you have decided to get breast implants to enhance your existing breasts, the next step is to decide what type of implants would be best for you. There are two kinds offered – saline and silicone breast implants. There are many differences between these two and understanding each type, including the look and feel, will help you make a decision. Additionally, each surgical procedure is different from the implants, which may aid your decision as well. For our patients at Partington Plastic Surgery, we offer Mentor and Sientra implants.

Saline Breast Implants

Saline breast implants are inserted as an empty silicone outer shell and then filled with sterile salt water based on your desired size. Since this is inserted empty, the incision size is much smaller than silicone implants and offers more choices to the patient, regarding volume and size. This allows our professional surgeons to correct asymmetric breasts easily. Saline implants are generally recommended for women who have ample breast tissue since rippling and firmness are less noticeable. In case of a rupture, saline implants immediately deflate and the saline water is absorbed and naturally expelled from the body. This process is completely healthy, natural, and noticeable once the rupture occurs. Another surgery is recommended to remove the ruptured implants, to be replaced with a new and improved implant. Some advantages of saline implants include

  • Approved for patients at the age of 18 (instead of silicone’s 22-years-old)
  • Cost less than silicone breast implants
  • Easier customization of size and volume

Silicone Breast Implants

Silicone breast implants have the same silicone outer shell as saline breast implants but are pre-filled with a silicone gel that mimics the look and feel of natural body fat. Most women report that silicone implants feel more natural than saline implants, however, it is based on personal preference. Since silicone implants come pre-filled, a larger incision is necessary to place the implant under the chest muscle. These implants are generally recommended for women who are thin and have minimal breast tissue. In case of a rupture, it may not be noticed immediately since the gel remains inside the capsule. The FDA recommends that women with silicone implants should receive an MRI every two years after surgery, in case of an unnoticed rupture. Although the silicone gel leaking does not lead to serious health complications, your surgeon will recommend surgery to have it removed. Some advantages of silicone implants include:

  • A more natural look and feel
  • Minimal to no ripples on the skin
  • Suitable for women who are thin and have small breasts

Choosing saline or silicone breast implants is a completely personal choice depending on your body, your individual preference, and what your surgeon may recommend for your desired outcomes. Considering the explanations above, we have provided a starting step in choosing the right implants for your cosmetic enhancement journey. If you have any further questions or concerns, don’t hesitate to call our office to schedule an initial consultation with Dr. Marshall Partington.

Breast Augmentation Before & Afters

Sientra Breast Implants

Sientra is a medical aesthetics company based in Santa Barbara, California that offers FDA-approved breast implants. Some reasons why we use Sientra breast implants for breast augmentation include:

  • Sientra works exclusively with board-certified plastic surgeons
  • Sientra offers a complete range of breast implants and breast augmentation products
  • Sientra offers the most extensive warranty terms in the breast augmentation industry
  • Sientra is the ONLY implant company to offer a Capsular Contracture warranty

Breast Implants Using Sientra Cohesive Silicone Are Shapely

Our surgeons take pride in offering breast augmentation solutions that are based on the principles of simplicity and patient comfort. By providing surgeons with a range of options for breast augmentation, including Sientra cohesive silicone breast implants, we can ensure that Seattle, Bellevue patients get the best breast enlargement products and services in the market.

We also offer different types of tissue expanders to help prepare our Seattle and Bellevue patients for breast enlargement. Here are some reasons why breast implants that use cohesive silicone for breast enlargement provide a superior shape:

  • The cohesive silicone breast enlargement implants look and feel like natural breasts
  • Cohesive silicone gel is ideal for breast augmentation as it is highly durable
  • Silicone gel breast augmentation products meet patient needs across a wide spectrum

Breast Enlargement with Sientra Breast Implants Look Natural

Sientra breast enlargement products give a natural feel and these are also safe with a very low rate of capsular contracture or wrinkling as compared to other breast augmentation products. The varied breast enlargement choices available in round, oval, and classic shapes give our surgeons ample scope for finding the perfect fit for every patient’s breast enlargement needs.

Sientra breast enlargement implants are designed in a way that makes them extremely safe even when under pressure. The features of Sientra breast implants that make them look natural include:

  • These breast implants use proprietary Silimed Texture Technology
  • These breast implants maintain their shape while remaining soft
  • Round, oval, and classic shapes for breast implants offer a completely natural look

If you’re looking for breast augmentation in the Seattle, or Seattle area, Sientra breast implants could be the ideal solution for you. For more information about breast enlargement, call us to schedule an appointment. Our board-certified surgeon will offer you a professional consultation for breast augmentation.

About Sientra Implants

Headquartered in Santa Barbara, California, Sientra is a medical aesthetics company that focuses on exclusively serving board-certified plastic surgeons and improving patients’ quality of life. Sientra is the first in the United States to offer FDA-approved anatomically-shaped breast implants and the only company to offer a complete portfolio of Shaped and Round Breast Implants with High-Strength Cohesive silicone gel, a unique and exclusive type of silicone gel. Sientra also offers industry-leading programs and services specifically tailored to the needs of plastic surgeons and their patients including the industry-first CapCon Care C3 program and best-in-industry patient warranty. Sientra is the only manufacturer that offers a warranty on Capsular Contracture!

About Mentor Implants

MemoryGel® Breast Implants: Beautiful & Safe

MemoryGel® Breast Implants have been successfully used and trusted for 20 years by millions of women of every ethnicity. Why? Because our implants feel more like natural breast tissue – without compromising reliability or safety. After nearly two decades of research and testing with surgeons and patients, MemoryGel® Breast Implants are available to women in the U.S. MemoryGel® Implants come in either a textured or smooth surface shell and are available in a wide range of sizes and profiles to fit your body structure.

MENTOR® SPECTRUM® and Saline-Filled Breast Implants

Saline Breast Implants – Another Superior Mentor Option

Mentor’s saline-filled breast implants also come in a variety of shapes, sizes, profiles, and surface textures. They are filled with a saltwater saline solution that is very similar to the fluid that makes up most of the human body. Saline implants are inserted into the body without fluid and then filled during surgery through a fill-tube to the agreed-upon size. When the fill-tube is removed, the implant automatically seals itself.

SPECTRUM® Saline Implants come with a posterior Spectrum valve, preplaced fill-tube, and a remote injection dome for optional postoperative adjustability.


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